DHS buys 450 million bullets: orders “indefinite” supply

It has been reported that the DHS and ICE have made an order through defense contractor ATK for 450 million .40 caliber bullets including the option for “indefinite” supply and delivery. According to Business  Insider, the DHS is also looking to make a bid on an additional 175 million rounds of NATO standard .223 bullets.As gun sales in America have reached an unusually staggering level, it may seem that government agencies are countering to the increase in gun sales.  Continue reading

FBI teaches agents they are above the law

A FBI memo has leaked and has now been released by the FBI that shows that its agents have been taught that their intelligence gathering powers allow them to “suspend or bend the law” and to “infringe the freedoms (rights) of others”. Continue reading

Church runs realistic kidnapping simulation on youth group: parents not informed

A Pennsylvania church subjected a group of about 17 students in a youth group meeting to a simulation drill involving the group of children and their pastor been abducted and having bags put over their heads and taken to the pastors home where they were exposed to realistic sounds of the pastor being beaten by their kidnappers. Parents where furious after finding out about the so called “drill” that had been run on their children without their consent. Continue reading

Press For Truth Presents: The New World Order Of The 21st Century

The agenda for a one world government is advancing at an exponential rate as it continues to unfold under the radar. Sovereign nation’s like the US now seek “”international permission,” instead of “congressional approval” to provide a legal basis for combat. When the military takes it’s orders from international governing authorities instead of congress or the president then it is safe to say that the new world order has arrived.

North Korea concentration camp survivor realates experience

The shocking history of the Nazis concentration camps is widely known, and has been thoroughly documented in the media. However, the deplorable conditions of the people in North Korea are significantly lesser known. Military dictatorship and worship of the state despite the masses starving to death has been seen time and time again. Young and old, looking for food anywhere they can, even eating from animal dung. Shin In Geun, a survivor of one of North Korea’s harshest prison labor camps, Camp 14, tells a sobering story of police state, Orwellian prison camp life, marred by excessive work and malnutrition, beatings, torture, executions, snitching and spying on other inmates in an attempt to survive. Continue reading

Globalist Bankers Are Jumping Ship

As 2011 and 2012 have unfolded, the acts of the central bankers and market masters, who have masterfully built up financial crisis by years of promoting deregulation of established banking and financial laws, such as the reversal of  the Glass-Steagall act and Bretton Woods, as well as promoting independence and unaccountability at the private, run for profit Federal Reserve System, have attempted to pose as the saviors in today’s tough economic times. Selling derivatives, mortgages , and hedge funds that, in private emails, reveled and ridiculed their customers for buying their “worthless garbage”.
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